Contenuto Visita dalla Tbilisi State University From 17 to 21 February 2025, our office hosted Dr Tea Gergedava, Head of International Services at Tbilisi State University (Georgia) as part of the Erasmus KA171 collaboration. The collaboration, which has been active since 2024, has enabled 5 Georgian students to carry out a study mobility at our university during the academic year 2024/25. Gergedava met the Delegate for International Relations and Mobility, Prof. Barbara Milani, as well as various offices involved in internationalisation. Allegati Document TSU visit at UniTS Graduatoria Bando Teaching Erasmus KA171 - seconda apertura Allegati Document graduatoria II apertura Graduatoria Bando personale T.A. Erasmus KA171 a.a. 2024/25 -2025/26 - prima apertura Allegati Document assegnatari T.A. prima apertura Call Teaching Erasmus KA171 outgoing a.a. 2024/25 -2025/26 - DiSPeS e SDV From 15 to 31 January 2025, the Call for Teaching Mobility within the Erasmus KA171 project of the Department of Political and Social Sciences (coordinator Prof. G. Parotto) and of the Department of Life Sciences (coordinators Prof. A. Pallavicini and Prof. C. Manfrin) will be open again. Destinations: partner universities in the Balkan and Caucasian Region (DISPES), and Tunisia (DSV) respectively.Residual availability of mobility places: UNIV. i Tiranes (1 place), UNIV. Europian i Tiranes (1 place), Sarajevo School of Technology (1 place), UNIV. i Prishtines (2 places), UNIV. Crne Gore (2 places), GEORGIAN INSTITUTE Public Affairs (1 place), UNIV. Russian Armenian (2 places), UNIV. ADA Azerbaijan (2 places), UNIV. Tunis El Manar (2 places). Allegati Document Modulo di candidatura 24-25.doc Document Mobility Agreement Teaching 24-25.doc Document Dichiarazione sostitutiva staff.doc Document Dispes DSV KA171_2023_bando teaching REV.pdf Call for outgoing admin Staff - Erasmus KA171 a.a. 2024/25 -2025/26 Mobilità nell'ambito del Progetto Erasmus KA171 verso Atenei partner della Regione Balcanica, della Regione Caucasica e della Tunisia.From 15 January to 15 February 2025, the Call for Mobility within the Erasmus KA171 Project towards partner universities in the Balkan Region, the Caucasus Region and Tunisia reopens.Remaining availability of places: UNIV. i Tiranes (1 place), UNIV. Europian i Tiranes (1 place), UNIV. Sarajevo (1 place), UNIV. i Prishtines (1 place), UNIV. Crne Gore (1 place), GEORGIAN INSTITUTE Public Affairs (1 place), UNIV. Russian Armenian (2 places), UNIV. ADA Azerbaijan (2 places), UNIV. Tunis El Manar (1 place). Allegati Document Modulo di candidatura Staff 24-25.doc Document Staff Mobility Agreement 24-25.doc Document Dichiarazione sostitutiva staff.doc Document KA171_2023_bando staff_REV.pdf Linee Guida per la presentazione di progetti in ambito Erasmus+ Linee Guida per la presentazione di progetti in ambito Erasmus+ (approvazione Organi Accademici novembre 2024) Allegati Document Linee Guida Progettazione Erasmus + 2024 (1).pdf Graduatoria Bando Teaching Erasmus KA171 a.a. 2024/25 -2025/26 - prima apertura Allegati Document Assegnatari prima apertura Teaching Bando Studio Consorzio Erasmus UniAdrion Italy, scadenza 13/12 h 12 Bando SMS ERASMUS+ KA 171 Consorzio UNIADRION Italy È stato pubblicato il Bando ERASMUS+ Studio nell’ambito del Consorzio Uniadrion Italy!Gli studenti dell’Università di Trieste possono candidarsi alle mobilità da svolgere nel secondo semestre dell’a.a. 2024/25 in Montenegro presso l’Università di Podgorica, esclusivamente per le seguenti aree di studio:Information and Communication Technologies (coordinatore: prof. F. Anselmi – Dip. MIGE) - 2 postiEngineering (coordinatore: prof. D. Bosich – DIA) - 2 postiLa scadenza del bando è il 13 dicembre 2024 alle ore 12:00.Gli assegnatari riceveranno una borsa mensile di 700 euro più le spese di viaggio.Scopri tutti i dettagli qui! ( Per informazioni e chiarimenti, sono previsti due incontri informativi online il 28 novembre e il 3 dicembre tra le 10 e le 12, organizzati dal Consorzio Uniadrion. Per informazioni:Ufficio Progettazione e Recruitment | International Projects and Recruitment RIUNIONE assegnatari Bando personale TA - Erasmus KA171 Il 15 NOVEMBRE 2024 alle ore 10 presso l'aula Sblattero (Ed. A, 2. piano) si svolgerà la riunione informativa per gli assegnatari del Bando per il personale tecnico-amministrativo - Erasmus KA171 a.a. 2024/25 -2025/26. Interverranno anche gli studenti incoming attualmente presenti a Trieste per presentare la loro Università. Staff Week ERASMUS KA171 - 20.-24.5.2024 From 20th to 24th May 2024, the University of Trieste will host the Staff Week of the Erasmus KA171 partnership, involving Universities from Region 1 (Western Balkans) and Region 2 (Neighbourhood East).Both administrative and teaching staff members from 12 universities in Eastern Europe will participate to the Staff Week: Universiteti Europian I Tiranës and Universiteti I Tiranes (Albania), the Russian-Armenian University (Armenia), Azerbaijan's Ada University, the Univerzitet u Sarajevu and the University Sarajevo School Of Science And Technology (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Ubt and Universiteti i Prishtines (Kosovo), the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the Georgian Institute of Public Affair (Georgia), the Javna Ustanova Univerzitet Crne Gore Podgorica (Montenegro) and the Ukrainian Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.On this occasion, students enrolled in courses of the Political and Social Sciences area of UniTS will have the opportunity to discover the main characteristics and educational offerings of the 4 destinations available for an Erasmus+ KA171 mobility in the Balkan regions: the University of Tirana in Albania, the University of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the University of Prishtina in Kosovo and the University of Montenegro. Allegati Document Staff week KA 171 Programme 16-05.pdf Mobility Agreement for incoming Staff from KA171 partner Universities Form for Teaching and Training Mobilities Allegati Document Mobility Agreement for incoming Teachers Document Staff Mobility Agreement Training 24-25.doc Ultimo aggiornamento Last update: 03-18-2025 Erasmus KA 171 Network ERASMUS KA 171 Incoming students Outgoing students