Contenuto About Us The foundation Fondazione Università degli Studi di Trieste (FUST) was originated in 2023 from the merger of the pre-existing Foundations "Fondazione Aldo Duca", "Fondazione Guido Morpurgo Tagliabue" and "Fondazione Ing. Marcello Urban e Maria Ehrl", founded respectively in 1986, 1999 and 2006.Just like the foundations it originates from, the FUST Foundation mainly aims to promote education and research in various scientific fields through the dissemination of knowledge and the development of both humanistic and scientific research - with a particular focus on new technologies and experimentation.More specifically, the Foundation grants study awards to students and new graduates, and funds scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students, PhDs, master students, students of post-graduate specialisation courses and research grants. Governance Administrative transparency Principles The main objective of the Foundation is promoting education and research in various scientific areas. Accordingly, its founding principles are:freedom of thought and speech, diversity of ideas, and interaction between different culturescentrality of the dignity of the individualfreedom and independence of research activitiesthe valorisation of merit, the autonomy of science, the quality of results, knowledge exchange and cross-contamination, and internationalisation The Foundation follows the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the University of Trieste. Foundation's Statute (ITA) Study Awards The Foundation manages: two bequests from the "Aldo Duca" Foundation by Professor Aldo Duca and by Dr. Savino Prelog, meant to fund study awards and scholarships in the medical fieldtwo bequests from the "Ing. Marcello Urban e Maria Ehrl" Foundation by Engineer Marcello Urban and Maria Ehrl and by Basilio Kosir, meant to fund study awards and scholarships in the engineering fielda bequest from the "Guido Morpurgo Tagliabue" Foundation by the homonymous Professor, meant to award graduates in Theoretical Philosophy and Aesthetics, and scholarships in Philosophy Learn more Go to Open Calls European Transport Journal Founded in 1995 as a quarterly printed journal on Economics, Engineering and Transport Law, and successively transformed into an online journal in 2013, the international specialised journal "European Transport" aims to promote and disseminate new ideas that might contribute to sustainability in the field of transportation systems. As regards to the contents of the journal, the main areas of interests are the mobility of people and goods, and the conomical, engineering and geographical aspects of transportation - be it on roads, on rails, by sea or by air - and their interactions.The journal collects the scientific contributions by scholars and specialists from both Italy and the rest of the world, as long as they are written in English, and a portion is reserved for topics concerning the Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.All the papers are available online, free of charghe, at the following link. European Transport Contacts Fondazione Università degli Studi di Trieste - FUSTRegistered Office @ Università degli Studi di Trieste, Piazzale Europa 1, 34127 Trieste C.F. and P.IVA: 90169640324Email: fust@units.itPhone: +39 040 558 3092 / +39 040 558 2974 Ultimo aggiornamento Last update: 11-14-2024 Support UniTS 5x1000 to UniTS