Contenuto President The President is the Rector of the University of Trieste, or a person appointed by them, and holds the office throughout the natural duration of the term of the Rector's office. Currently, the office of President of the Foundation is held by Prof. Roberto di Lenarda, current Rector of the University. Council of Administration It is appointed by the University's Council of Administration at the proposal of the Rector, with at least one member representing the medical area, one representing the area of engineering, and one representing the humanities. It has full powers of ordinary administration and extraordinary administration.Current members:Prof. Roberto Di Lenarda, PresidentProf. Paolo Rosato, Vice-PresidentProf. Riccardo Martinelli, CouncilorProf. Georg Meyr, CouncilorProf. Vanessa Nicolin, Councilor Administrative Secretary If necessary, an Administrative Secretary may be appointed by the Council of Administration at the proposal of the President, for the duration of three years. The AS is responsible for the overall management and organization of services, resources and staff. Scientific Council The Scientific Council is an advisory body, and the Foundation's body of cultural coordination and scientific promotion, made of at least one representative for each of the subject areas - Medicine, Engineering, and Humanities. Among its tasks, it takes care of the evaluation of study awards and scholarships applicants.The current members of the Scientific Council are:Prof. Roberto di Lenarda, PresidentProf.ssa Lucia Rotaris, Vice-President and CouncilorProf.ssa Elisabetta Vezzosi, CouncilorProf.ssa Francesca Larese Filon, CouncilorProf. Giovanni Ramponi, CouncilorProf. Andrea Carnaghi, Councilor Statutory Auditor A professional from the official Register of Auditors, the Statutory Auditor is appointed by the University and holds the office for three years. They take care of the auditing of accounts, and monitor compliance with the law, with the Statute and with the principles of good administration, and the adequacy of the organisation.The current Statutory Auditor is Prof. Guido Modugno, Deputy Rectors for Budget Analysis and Associate Professor at the Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. Ultimo aggiornamento Last update: 11-12-2024 FUST Foundation FUST Study awards Governance