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Issue 28 (2024) of the magazine QuaderniCIRD is now available online. The Journal of the Interdepartmental Center for Educational Research of the University of Trieste / Rivista del Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Didattica dell’Università di Trieste, published by EUT - Trieste University Press.

Acknowledging the repeated requests to offer students courses which focus on the progressive development of disciplines both in terms of broadening and consolidating knowledge and perfecting research methodologies, the new issue of the journal is characterised by an enhanced historical perspective. 

The disciplines involved range from mathematics to computer science, from psychology to education, from ergonomics to the geosciences, in some cases with a gaze rooted in the past, with the aim of highlighting the achievements accrued in terms of knowledge deriving from multidisciplinary research and exploration activities, and in other cases directed towards the future, in order to set up new paths oriented towards the further implementation of knowledge.