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Notice of Competition for two Degree Awards in memory of Prof. Cesare Invernizzi, professor of Industrialization of Construction at the then Faculty, now Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Trieste - Fourth Edition

Deadline for submission of applications: 27/06/2024


- LM degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture obtained in the academic years 2021/2022, 2022/2023 at the University of Trieste;

- Not having already participated in previous editions of this Call for Applications.

Deadline and how to apply

The application must be submitted esclusively on line no later than 1 p.m. on June 27, 2024 by logging in with your university credentials.

A copy of the thesis (if in a foreign language accompanied by an abstract in Italian) in PDF format should be attached to the application. If the thesis exceeds 2 MB a link should be provided from which to download it or it should be emailed to the address: (with a copy of an identity document) indicating in the subject line "Call for Invernizzi Awards 2024."

The application is valid only upon completion of the entire procedure, until it is closed. Receipt of the application will be confirmed by an email to the institutional email address, to which communications regarding the competition will also be sent.

Applications submitted after the set deadline and/or incomplete will not be accepted.

 Information and call   
