Data notizia 1 March 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia The travelling exhibition ‘The Garden of the (In)visible’ is currently open to visitors in the Municipality of Hrpelje - Kozina, Slovenia. From 15 March it will be in Koper before arriving in Trieste in May and moving on to Geneva.The project is part of anthropological research on the theme of migration carried out by the University of Primorska Koper and the University of Trieste, as part of the activities of T4E - Transform4EuropeAlliance.Working collaboratively across borders, lecturers and students travelled between Croatia, Slovenia and Italy where they found and collected objects left by migrants in the woods or at the edges of towns. These things are abandoned after long and difficult journeys on foot by people from various backgrounds in Asia and Africa. They are both everyday objects used for eating, sleeping, protecting oneself from the elements and caring for oneself as well as artefacts that reveal an intimate and spiritual sphere. Casting these things aside and abandoning them leaves a record of a passage towards a new stage in life, a sign of rebirth. The piles of discarded things at the edge of the woods or by the roadside that we ignore or treat as rubbish lead us towards a fundamental political and moral question of our times. Only a small number of these objects have been selected for inclusion in the exhibition 'In the garden of the (In)visible'. The travelling exhibition attempts to stage encounters between individuals crossing borders and individuals living at borders. Ultimately, it seeks to ask a fundamental question: what do we (not) want to see?CREDITSCoordinationRoberta AltinKatja Hrobat VirlogetConcept & scientific teamRoberta AltinKatja Hrobat VirlogetAlessandro MonsuttiGiuseppe GrimaldiGathering and collection of exhibitsStudents of the Border Archive (cultural anthropology course, Dep. Humanities University of Trieste)Students of Humanities Faculty, University of Primorska: Monika Cergolj, Kristina Kovačić, Michał SaczukFriends and volunteersCreative Project and exhibitionFederico Barile AltreMentiRino LombardiPhotographs: Angela Tozzi Ins, Katja Hrobat VirlogetCommunication:Communication and External Relations Unit of the University of TriesteUniversity of PrimorskaSponsor:T4E Transform4EuropeAllianceUniversity of Primorska, UP Faculty of HumanitiesDepartment of Humanities - University of TriesteGraduate Institute of International and Development Studies, GenevaARIS (Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency) projects: J6-50198 Ethnography of Silence(s), J6-2578 Urban Futures: Imagining and Activating Possibilities in Unsettled Times