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Thu, Feb 15 2024, 3pm - Fri, Feb 16 2024, 1pm
Testo evento

The Workshop TRIESTE, THE (IN)VISIBLE BORDER BETWEEN SOLIDARITY AND MIGRATION REGIME will take place on Thursday 15th February and Friday 16 th February

The initiative is part of the Research Project of Significant National Interest (PRIN22), entitled DIMEast - Diversity and Impacts of Migration at the EU's Eastern Borders, of which the DiSU (Department of Humanities) Research Unit is a member.

It is set to be an event during which migration, borders, reception and solidarity will be discussed with key stakeholders operating in the local community.

The event is open to students, researchers and all those who, in their different roles, are involved in various activities in support of migrants and asylum seekers or who are simply interested in learning more about migration issues.


Thursday 15th February: From 3 pm to 6:30 om, Sala Atti, Androna Campo Marzio 10, Trieste

Friday 16 th February: From 9 am to 1 pm, Room 1, Via Lazzaretto Vecchio 8, Trieste

The programme and further information are available on the poster linked below.

For more information, please contact:

Prof.ssa Roberta 

Prof. Dragan

