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17 October 2024 , 9:30 am - 5 pm
Testo evento

On Thursday, October 17, 2024, starting at 9:30 a.m., the first session of the “THIRD NATIONAL ALTERVISION CONVENTION. Developing competence by sharing knowledge” will be held at San Giovanni Park, ASUGI Corporate Training Center, Room A - Via G. De Pastrovich 5, Trieste.

The Conference is aimed at social workers who are already experts in altervision, and also social workers and social workers from other disciplines, administrators and service managers interested in the topic, students and social service scholars, researchers and teachers.

Fifteen years after the beginning of the experimentation of the altervision method, now practiced by several groups of social workers in the national territory, in the service organizations of public and third sector agencies, over different geographical areas of the country, the event offers an opportunity to compare and “fine-tune” altervision as a method of shared construction of professional social service knowledge; its experiences are compared, its critical issues are debated, and its innovations and evolutions practiced in different contexts are evaluated.

The conference also aims to provide an opportunity to highlight the value and usability of the method in new social and institutional settings that can appreciate and enhance its potential.
The initiative will consist of two sessions.
The first, on October 17, 2024, in the city of Trieste, the seat of the University where the theoretical-methodological coordinates matured.
The second, on October 25, in the city of Padua, the venue at which, at the initiative of the Regional Order of Social Workers of Veneto, the first second-level training course in altervision was held, with the experimentation and activation of new groups.

Further details can be found in the program attached below.


Prof. Luigi Gui - 

Dott.ssa Marianna Ginocchietti - 
