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Tue, May 21 2024, 6 - 7pm
Testo evento

On Tuesday 21st May 2024, at 18:00, UniTS professors Fabio Spitaleri and Stefano Amadeo (IUSLIT) will hold a conference entitled ‘Reforming the Union's Institutions in view of the Enlargement: is it possible?’.

The event will take place in the Conference Room of the former Military Hospital of Trieste, in Via Fabio Severo 40.

The conference is organised by the ‘Luciano Fonda’ University College of Trieste.

The stabilisation of the European continent requires the completion of the Union's enlargement process. All the countries of the Western Balkans have been applying to join the European Union for some time, and three new countries (Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova) have recently joined the list of candidates. However, only a significant revision of the treaties will make it possible to open the door to these new countries. Reformation of both the EU institutions and, above all, the decision-making procedures they follow will be necessary in order to enable the EU to meet the current international challenges.

Admission is free, but you must register  first.

Contact: Tel. 0402465184 -  
