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Mon, Apr 15 2024, 5 - 7pm
Testo evento

Join us on Monday 15 April 2024, from 17:00 to 19:00, in the Main Hall of Building A in the Piazzale Europa Campus to celebrate one hundred years of Economics with the event: "EC100 ECONOMICS: IS IT TOO LATE FOR EXTRA CREDIT?"

The event, which coincides with the centenary of the University of Trieste, has been promoted and organised by the ‘Bruno de Finetti’ Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics (DEAMS). Please see the programme below for more details.

Looking to bump up their grades:


Thomas Baumgartner, President of FERCAM S.p.A., Italy

Renata Casaro, Head of Investor Relations at Schaeffler, Germany

Giancarlo Fancel, Country Manager Italy & CEO Generali Italy

Giampaolo Viseri, CEO Allianz Global Life, Ireland

Sarah Zoi, Federal Reserve System, USA


Guido Bortoluzzi, Professor of Economics and Business Management

Francesco Magris, Full Professor of Economic Policy, interviews Francesco De Filippo, writer, essayist and journalist, Head of the Ansa FVG agency.

A student who sat her finals a while ago, Ariella Reggio, in ‘Appello... per fuori corso’ (Is it too late for extra credit?)

Comedy in one act by Francesco De Filippo and Francesco Magris

with Ariella Reggio and Adriano Giraldi

Directed by Marcela Serli
