14 October 2024 , 2:30 - 3:30 pm Immagine evento Image Testo evento University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and ArchitectureBachelor of Science Single-Cycle Degree in Architecture.Laboratory of Integrated Design of Architecture and the Built Environment - RRR LabL’ephemere est eternel"Learning from..."Study day on European Capitals of Culture - ECOC and event cities2th Annual Conference on Entartainment Urban Villages and ECOC DistrictcsMonday, October 14, 2:30 p.m., room 401, 4th floor PUG building - Gorizia University Pole, Via Alviano 18, GoriziaStudents of the Laboratory of Integrated Design of Architecture and Built - RRR Lab (CdL Architecture) will present 24 case studies of European Capitals of Culture and will discuss them, within the Institutional Convention of teaching and research between DIA-UNITS and the Municipality of Gorizia, with: the professors of the laboratory (A. Venudo, T. Bisiani, S. Prestamburgo, G. Picinin, L. Di Dato, M. Lupieri) and various guests (local authorities, municipal administrations of Gorica and Nova-Gorica, representatives of professional categories and specialists in the field GO!2025 ).Info: avenudo@units.it Abstract: Students in the fifth year of the Integrated Design of Architecture and Built - RRR Lab of the Bachelor of Architecture - UNITS, united in the VAGO collective, will present a conference dedicated to the study and reading of past and future European Capitals of Culture.The VAGO collective will present a study of twenty-four cities named “European Capital of Culture” between the year 1996 and the year 2023. The analysis a reflection on the entire ECOC process, from preparation to execution, and from the immediate effects to those that developed after the conclusion of the event, through the application of functional interdisciplinary approaches to the reading, such as SWOT analyses or ex-post impact assessments. The meeting was born as an exercise also for a critical reflection on the possible comparison between the ex-capitals and the one planned for next year in Gorica-Nova-Gorica (GO!2025). Allegati Document Locandina