23 February 2024 , 2 - 6 pm Testo evento Dialogues on the Third SectorThird Sector Law and ManagementOn Friday 23rd February 2024, from 2 to 6 pm, room A (situated in the left wing of Building A on the Piazzale Europa Campus) will host an event entitled ‘The healthcare budget and taking care of frail individuals’.Chairman: prof. Andrea Crismani, Director of the Master Course in Third Sector Law and Management (DMTS).Main speaker: prof. Alceste Santuari, Economic Law at the University of Bologna.Taking care of the frail has always been a challenge for established democracies, caught between a welfare system with universalist ambitions and the ever-present budgetary limitations.This topic of great importance will be discussed with Alceste Santuari, professor of Economic Law at the University of Bologna, within the framework of the Dialogues on the Third Sector of the Master Course in Third Sector Law and Management.Scientific Committee: Andrea Crismani, Giacomo BiasuttiThe poster below contains an interactive link which enables you to gain access to the virtual classroom. For information write to: master.dmts@dispes.units.it Allegati Document Locandina Document Poster EN