22 October 2024 , 11 am - 1 pm Sede evento Aula Magna - Edificio A, Campus Piazzale Europa Testo evento On Tuesday 22nd October 2024, starting at 11:00, in the Main Hall of Building A (Piazzale Europa Campus), Graduation Day, the ceremony for the proclamation of the 36th cycle PhDs, will take place.The programme includes a lectio magistralis by Marco Gori, Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Siena, entitled ‘Intelligent machines that do not accumulate data’.The ceremony will see the awarding of diplomas and the proclamation of the new PhDs will culminate with the traditional tossing of the academic cap.Musical interludes will be provided by the University of Trieste Choir and Orchestra.******Marco Gori is Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Siena, where he directs the Siena Artificial Intelligence Lab.He is mainly interested in Artificial Intelligence, with a focus on Machine Learning and recent generative and creative processes.The impact of his research on neural networks has mainly emerged from his recent interest in graph neural networks, which he helped introduce in the article ‘Graph Neural Networks’, IEEE-TNN, 2009.To date, the article has received about 9,000 citations (about 6-7 citations per day in recent years).Professor Gori is a past president of the Italian Chapter of the IEEE Computation Intelligence Society and president of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. He is a Fellow of IEEE, EurAI, IAPR and ELLIS. Allegati Document Flyer with programme