03 May 2024 , 3 pm - 04 May 2024 , 1 pm Testo evento On Friday, May 3 and Saturday, May 4, 2024, the "Early STEM for All!" conference will be held in Room A of Building F on Campus. This is the first symposium for teachers working across all education levels to emerge from collaborative research at the Department of Physics and the Department of Humanities looking at the study of innovative teaching approaches based on pupils' exploration of physical and numerical phenomena.In recent years, a practicing community of teachers has grown around professional training events promoted at the University. The aim of this symposium is to bring this community together and offer participants the opportunity to meet the creators of the ISLE (Investigative Science Learning Environment) approach and the Early Algebra approach (within the ArAl project).Registration will be open from 22/03/24 to 15/04/24. Participants may only register for one of the two days of the symposium.Scientific organising committee: Caterina Bembich, Valentina Bologna, Francesco Longo, Maria Peressi, Paolo Sorzio.Conference in collaboration with CIRD - Interdepartmental Centre for Educational Research of the University of Trieste.Please see the attachments for the symposium programme and additional information.The event is free but requires registration. Contact: valentina.bologna@units.it Allegati Document Programma Document Program EN