28 February 2024 , 2:45 - 4:45 pm Sede evento Aula Bachelet, I° piano, Edificio A, Piazzale Europa 1 Testo evento Round Table28th February 2024, at 14:45 Bachelet Room, 1st floorBuilding APiazzale Europa 1A large share of global trade passes through the Suez Canal, and with the recent escalation of the crisis in the Middle East, particularly attacks on commercial traffic passing through Suez, we are witnessing significant repercussions on shipping from the Far East destined to the Mediterranean. If the current poor security situation were to continue, the Adriatic ports would be those most heavily affected.The port of Trieste has been reclaiming its key role in the transportation of goods to and from Central Europe for some years now. Is it possible that the prolongation or possible worsening of the crisis in the Middle East will force us to review the increasingly optimistic development forecasts for our port?The University of Trieste boasts excellent interdisciplinary expertise in transport matters, and with the round table entitled "The crisis in the Middle East and the Adriatic port system: what are the potential economic and legal scenarios?" it actively participates in the debate.Opening AddressGian Paolo Dolso, Head of the Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies, UniTSIntroduction and ConclusionMassimo Campailla, Professor of Navigation and Transport Law, UniTSCoordinatorAlberto Bollis, Deputy Director of the Nord Est Multimedia Group The following will discuss the topic at hand:Zeno D'Agostino, President of the Eastern Adriatic Port System Authority, Ports of Trieste and MonfalconeGiuseppe Borruso, Professor of Economic and Political Geography, UniTSGiovanni Longo, Professor of Transport Engineering, UniTSStefano Mazzitelli, Business Market Director, Open Fiber SpaLuca Sisto, General Manager, ConfitarmaMarco Spinedi, President, Interporto Bologna SpaStefano Visintin, President, Confetra FVGStefano Zunarelli, Professor of Navigation Law, University of Bologna