01 February 2024 , 9:45 am - 02 February 2024 , 6:30 pm Testo evento The City I’d Want1 - 2 February 2024, TriesteThe professional association of urban, landscape and heritage architects (OAPPC) of Trieste in collaboration with the Municipality of Trieste, the Regional Federation of OAPPCs, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste together with the Department of Engineering and Architecture (UniTS), ArTE Association, DOT.ART - Trieste Photo Days - Exhibit Around and the Tartini ConservatoireOn the occasion of the Centenary of Italian professional associations, OAPPC is promoting a series of initiatives to initiate a reflection and debate on the transformation that is affecting the city of Trieste. Initiatives at all levels (events for professionals, lectures, public seminaries and participatory meetings) will allow to address the theme of urban change in a broad manner and to involve all the stakeholders who live the city and in the city.Programme:Thursday 1 February 2024Auditorium - Revoltella Museum, via Diaz 27, Trieste09:45 - Registration of participants10:00 - Institutional greetings and opening session (G. Bloccari - head of OAPPC, F. Pavanello - president of ArTe, A. Venudo - UniTS, G. Favi - OAPPC, R. Dambrosi - OAPPC, M. Ragonese - OAPPC)11:00 – Lecture on ‘Dialogues with places’ by Maria Alessandra Segantini (C+S Architects)DebateThursday ,1 February 2024Headquarters of the professional association of architects of Trieste, via Genova 14 Trieste14:30 - Thematic Round Tables ‘The city I’d want (OAPPC-TS and Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Trieste)1. ENVIRONMENT AND LANDSCAPE, R. Dambrosi OAPPC, A. Venudo UniTS2. CITY AND TERRITORY, M. Cassin ArTE, S. Basso UniTS3. MOBILITY, A. Rutter ArTE, C. Venturini UniTS4. HERITAGE, A. Benedetti ArTE, T. Bisiani UniTS Friday 2 FebruaryMain Hall of the Chamber of Commerce, Piazza Borsa 14 Trieste14:15 - Registration of participants14:30 - Introduction and presentation of the children's workshop ‘Greetings from the future’ (G. Bloccari, G. Balos and S. Pannacci)15:00 – Outcomes of the four round tabls tables (R. Dambrosi, A. Venudo, M. Cassin, S. Basso, A. Rutter, C. Venturini, A. Benedetti, T. Bisiani, G. Favi)17:00 - Award ceremony for the creative competition ‘Posters for the city’ (G. Bloccari, E. Dalla Betta, A. Venudo, M. Ragonese)17:30 – Closing session and debate18:00 – Music session by the Tartini Conservatoire18:30 - Concluding refreshmentThe professional association of architects, in collaboration with the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Trieste and the association ArTE of Trieste, is promoting a two-day event on urban phenomena affecting cities. Round tables will be moderated by professionals and professors from the University of Trieste, divided into specific areas: environment and landscape; city and territory; heritage; mobility. The aim is to collect a series of inputs and ideas to discuss during the final, public conference on 2 February. Experts, entrepreneurs and administrators will participate in order to outline the direction for future development both in general and for the city of Trieste in particular. All the materials produced will be collected and published in a specific volume dedicated to the event. For further information, please write to avenudo@units.it Allegati Document Locandina Document Flyer Document Locandina EN Document Flyer EN