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06 May 2024 , 8:30 - 9:30 pm
Testo evento

On Monday, May 6, 2024, at 8:30 p.m., the “AI Talks: popularizing science on artificial intelligence” meeting will be held at Hangar Teatri, Via Luigi Pecenco 10, Trieste.

The initiative is organized by the Artificial Intelligence Student Society AI2S in collaboration with the University of Trieste.

AI Talks stems from AI2S's desire to carry out scientific popularization to inform and introduce to the general public what exactly artificial intelligence (AI) is, bringing concrete examples of some of its many applications and overcome stereotypes present among the lay public.

The event consists of several informal lectures. The speakers are people working or doing research in the AI way.

The evenings are organized so that all those who have fully attended the series of meetings can go on as delineated a path as possible in the immense and branching field of AI.

Participation is free of charge.

For information: