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04 June 2024 , 2:30 - 6 pm
Testo evento

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at the Urban Centre, Corso Cavour 2/2, from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., the Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA) of the University of Trieste is organizing a second meeting on “Affordable Rents: a Possible Goal? - A discussion on the issues
of affordable and unconventional living”.

UAH! From unconventional households to unconventional affordable housing

The project of relevant national interest (PRIN 2022) is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research with PNRR funds. It runs from 2023 to 2025 and involves, in addition to the Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA) of the University of Trieste, the Politecnico di Milano (general coordination) and the Politecnico di Bari.
DIA activities are coordinated by prof. Elena Marchigiani and involve prof. Sara Basso and prof. Ilaria Garofolo, and researchers Elisa Maria Vittoria Bertolini, Valentina Novak and Teresa Frausin.

Trieste: housing issue and affordable housing in a changing demographic, social and economic environment

In its first year of activity, the UAH! project has worked on different issues and targets: in Bari, squatting; in Milan, students who cannot find housing answers at adequate prices; in Trieste, the issues of homelessness and the growth of situations of marginality in a perspective of evolution of the international models of Housing First and Housing Led.
In Trieste, the research is developing a mapping of the main stakeholders active in the field of housing; with some of these, a collaboration has been activated to identify pilot cases (housing and buildings) on which to develop, together with the students of the universities involved, feasibility projects for the spatial recovery and management of affordable housing solutions.

A first public table with stakeholders related to housing issues was organized at the University of Trieste on April 23.
All Research Units involved in the project will be present at this second affordable solutions co-design meeting on June 4. The aim is to provide a further opportunity for discussion, to which public, third sector, labor organizations, owners' associations, foundations, and representatives of cultural and economic communities have been invited.

