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Fri, Sep 20 2024, 5 - 11:45pm
Testo evento

“100 Steps Ahead - Talk and Dance” is the event celebrating 100 years since the founding of the University, organized for Friday, September 20, 2024, in collaboration with Trieste Trasporti, with contributions from the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and CAMPUSX S.r.l., to which the entire UniTS community is invited.

During the event, different types of awards will be presented to deserving students at the University and short popular talks will be organized to celebrate European Mobility Week, with a focus on sustainability.

The event is starting at 5 p.m. in the Great Hall of Building H3.

Then, at 8 p.m., on the steps of Piazzale Europa 1, the DJ set kicks off with Tommy Vee and Albert Marzinotto to celebrate 100 years of UniTS to the beat of music!

There will be a CAMPUSX S.r.l. desk where augmented reality Oculus viewers will be made available, through which it will be possible to “virtually visit” the apartments and spaces of CX Trieste.


Moderator: Micol Brusaferro

Institutional Greetings

Awards from the Departments and the Pittini Foundation

Guido Caldarelli, fisico, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Complexity, digital twins and the future of cities
Alessandro Massi Pavan, Centro interdipartimentale per l’energia, l’ambiente
e i trasporti “Giacomo Ciamician”, UniTS
Renewables and electric mobility run together
Tommaso Gecchelin, fisico e designer, NExT
A new mobility model for urban areas
Petra Gregori e Simone Taglialatela, Audace Sailing Team
Audace Sailing Team, the route of sustainability
Francesco Sonego, Chiara Pradal, Enea Gherdol, UniTS Racing Team
From the track to the road: Racing Team, a bridge to the mobility of the future

Best freshmen a.y. 2022-2023
University of Trieste Foundation (FUST) Awards.
University Sports Committee awards to outstanding athletes

Closing Greetings

Party DJ Set with Albert Marzinotto and Tommy Vee



-Shuttle service for post-event displacement
service hours: 11:45 p.m. to 00:45 a.m.


  • shuttle to Oberdan Square - departure from Line 17 stop at 2 Valerio Street in the direction of Oberdan Square, with intermediate stop at Fabio Severo Street (in front of the former Military Hospital).
  • shuttle to Porto Vecchio - departure from the stop of line 17 at Valerio Street 2, intermediate stop at Fabio Severo Street (in front of the former Military Hospital) and at Fabio Severo Street (Piazza Oberdan), in the direction of Magazzino 27 in Porto Vecchio.

    Notturno - DRT bus active from 22:00 to 4:00

From 10:00 p.m. to 00:45 a.m., service will not be bookable at stops on Valerio Street (the nearest active stop will be at 148 Fabio Severo Street).
From 00:45 the stops will be restored in that area as well.

Trieste Trasporti Promotional Booth

An information booth will be located under the arcades of Building A in Piazzale Europa to give all necessary information about the service.  



