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From 19th to 23rd May 2025, our university will host the visit of the Evaluation Experts Committee (Commissione di Esperti per la Valutazione - CEV) of ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Univesities and Research Institutes  -Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca).

Periodic assessment

The University will be evaluated based on quality criteria established by ANVUR, which adhere to international guidelines in this field. The outcome of the review will result in an accreditation judgement for the University and its degree programmes.

The visit will be conducted by an Evaluation Experts Committee (Commissione di Esperti per la Valutazione - CEV) appointed by ANVUR, consisting of trained faculty members and students. Certain programmes have been selected for initial remote evaluation. Subsequently, between 19 and 23 May 2025, the Committee will visit the University in person to extend its assessments.

The evaluation will include:

the University as a whole

3 Departments

  • Mathematics, Computer Science, and Geosciences - MIGe
  • Medical, Surgical, and Health Sciences - DSM
  • Humanities Studies - DiSU

10 Degree courses

Bachelor’s and Integrated Master's Degrees:

  • International Economics and Financial Markets
  •  Physics
  • Geology
  • Law
  • Foreign Language and Literature
  • Medicine and Surgery

Master's Degrees:

  •  Diplomacy and International Cooperation Studies
  • Pharmacy
  • Computer Engineering
  •  Neurosciences

3 PhD courses

  • Personalised Medicine and Innovative Therapies
  • Earth Science, Fluid Dynamics, and Mathematics: Interactions and Methods
  • History, Philosophy, and Political-Social Studies

The CEV Committee

The CEV (Commissione di Esperti per la Valutazione - Evaluation Experts Committee) is composed of expert lecturers, students, and an administrative coordinator, all of whom are appropriately trained and registered in the ANVUR evaluators' register.

The composition of the Committee will be announced shortly.

The outcome

The final assessment by ANVUR will be represented by a report highlighting the strengths and areas for improvement for each aspect of the evaluation protocol, including any recommendations and conditions.

The judgement will be expressed in four categories: fully satisfactory, satisfactory, partially satisfactory, unsatisfactory.

The overall judgements will form the final judgement on the University and the individual Study courses, which will lead to the Ministerial Decree for periodic accreditation.

The first step of the visit will consist of a series of remote meetings (via remote connection) for the selected Study Courses and Doctoral Courses.

The CEV will be divided into groups, each of which will visit one Course of Study per day, interviewing

for Degree courses: the Course referee together with the QA group, the joint teachers-students committee, the technical-administrative staff managing the support services, a representation of lecturers, professionals from the reference sector, graduates and students present in the classroom during lectures

for PhD courses: the Course coordinator, the Teachers of the College, representatives of the relevant working world, doctoral students and technical-administrative staff.

The on-site visit will take place from 19th to 23rd May and will cover the entire campus, the Departments selected for evaluation and the facilities of the selected Study Courses and Doctorates.

During the first two days, the focus will be entirely on checking the quality requirements of the University as a whole. After an introductory meeting with the Rector, the Evaluation Experts Committee (CEV) will start the interviews, organised in groups of 8-10 people. The following will be involved: academic senators, members of the board of directors, delegates, managers, representatives of the quality watchdog, the evaluation team and technical-administrative staff from the quality, teaching and research support services.

Meetings will be held with representatives of the three selected Departments, including directors, departmental quality contact persons and other lecturers with specific responsibilities.

The CEV will carry out visits to classrooms, study rooms and libraries accessible to students.

The visit will end with a discussion between the CEV and the Rector, during which the initial observations gathered during the inspection will be shared.

The detailed programme of the visit is currently being finalised by the CEV.

What is Quality Assurance

The students' role in UniTS Quality

The UniTS Quality Accreditation visit

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