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Main Data of the University of Trieste. You can expand each item to have a full information. Further details are available by clicking on "Read more".

Teaching and students

The data presented in this section refer to the consolidated time ranges: a.y. 22/23 for enrolment and programmes and 2023 for graduates and postgraduates.

Academic year 2022/23

33Bachelor's Degrees
31Master's Degrees
7Single-cycle Master Degrees
6Inter-University Bachelor's and Master's Degrees 
34Specialisation Schools (a.y. 2021/22)
13PhD Programmes
7Inter-University PhD Programmes 
22University Master’s Programmes
2Professional development courses


Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (data for the academic year 2022/23)

Students enrolled at Bachelor's and Master's Degrees 17.050
5.290first enrolled
73,28%students from outside Trieste
7,2%international students


Postgraduate Studies (data for the academic year 2022/23)

PhD students515
Students enrolled at Specialisation Schools  (a.y. 2021/22 for medical specialisaties)782
Students enrolled at University Master’s Programmes313
other postgraduates studies50

of whom:

81,4%students from outside Trieste
13,6%international students

Graduates (Year 2023)

3.187 Graduates at Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
of whom:

Graduates at Bachelor's Degrees1.783
Graduates at Master's Degrees1.028
Graduates at Single-cycle Degrees376
Employment rate after 1 year from the Degree (the national average is 56,5%)59,5%


Postgraduate Courses (Year 2023)

528 Postgraduate Diplomas, of whom:

PhD Diplomas122
Specialisation Schools Diplomas146
Specialization in support activities for students with disabilities Diplomas114
Master’s Programmes Diplomas146

Student opinion on teaching and learning activities - a.y. 22/23

collected questionnaires101.941
evaluated courses97%
overall satisfaction on the evaluted courses87.5%


Student opinion on the overall experience - a.y. 22/23

collected questionnaires13.660
evaluated services80%
student general satisfaction80%

Student opinion on exams - a.y. 22/23

collected questionnaires55.968
evaluated exams92.6%
student general88%

People and organisation

Teaching Staff (Updated to 31/12/2023)

Full Professors138
Associate Professors353
fix-term contract Researchers157

of whom:

  • 33,5% women
  • 2,4%   from outside Italy

Technical and Administrative Staff (Updated to 31/12/2023)

Technical and Administrative Staff 625
Foreign Language Instructors29

of whom:

  •  3,8%  with a fix-term contract
  • 61,6% women

Research, Social Responsibility, Outreach

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