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The University of Trieste adopts, respecting the principles of the Right to Education, a taxation system that allows to know in advance the total amount of university fees to be paid.

Fees are the same for all doctoral courses.

The installments consist of the following items:

  • stamp tax: 16.00 euros
  • regional fee: 160.00 euros
  • all-inclusive fee: 300.00 euros*

other allowances and fees for ancillary services (see Article 5 of the Notice).

*Students who have not taken advantage of the doctoral scholarship or have permanently renounced the doctoral scholarship in the previous academic year do not pay the all-inclusive fee.


The payment deadlines for registration for the 2024/2025 academic year are:

  • 1st installment: due by the application/registration due date
  • 2nd installment: April 28, 2025

University fees must be paid exclusively using the PagoPA payment platform.
For payments by Teacher Card or by another organization or company, write a e-mail to

In order to obtain any refunds via bank transfer (for scholarships, tax refunds due to ISEE etc.) from the University, you should complete the data in your Esse 3 RESERVED AREA (in the Personal Data - Bank details section): the bank details must necessarily refer to a bank/postal account in your name or possibly joint name

For any doubt, follow the FAQs/instructions

  • If you have a disability or DSA certification, you should visit the page dedicated to this service and contact the Disability/DSA Office
  • If you want to apply for the special exemptions and reductions provided in the Notice, check the procedures and deadlines in Article 3 of the Notice. In some cases it is necessary to submit a specific application by filling out the forms found here.

English version of forms 2024-2025 will be published soon!


Online Student Services and University Fees
Piazzale Europa, 1 - 34127 - TRIESTE 
Main building "A" 

Telephone help desk:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 12.00 - 13.00
Phone number: +39 040 558 3731

Are you a UniTS student? Please use your institutional e mail address to write us.


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