Contenuto The University of Trieste, in order to recognise and enhance the transversal skills acquired by students and graduates, issues Open Badges.An Open Badge is a digital certificate of the disciplinary knowledge, personal skills (soft skills) and technical competences acquired. It is a photograph that displays something about you: something you know how to do, the activities in which you have participated.It has a graphic part, the image, and some specifications, the metadata, which allow checking the person to whom it was awarded, the descriptive contents of the badge, its issuer and the methods used to verify it.They are hosted within a dedicated platform, according to an open source format readable by all applications that read Open Badges (in our case .Bestr CINECA).It is internationally recognised and can be used in electronic curricula and on social networks (e.g. linkedin) to communicate concisely and credibly, what you have learnt, how and with what results. UniTS Open Badges Active participation in the QA System – Students and Doctoral Students Archaeology , Communication , New media , Society , Inclusion , Cultural heritage , Accessibility , Museum How do I get this Badge? Archaeology and Society: Methods, Techniq Business management: startup with Leadership, teambuilding & Intellectual property Business Model Canvas Business Plan, what it is and how to use it Design and building of sustainable racing sailboats Digital Humanities: design, tools and applications Ethics Research and Science communication Health Humanities. Narration, autonarration, languages Health Humanities. Philosophies and practices of care compared Health Humanities. Vulnerability, fragility and treatment Information literacy in Academia Information literacy in Academia – advanced Individual creativity techniques Italian for nonnative speakers (B1-B2 level) Japanese language - A1 level first part Japanese language – A1 level second part - advanced Laboratory for Life Skill development Leadership, team building and social strategies Mechanical measurement with Dewesoft systems Mentors4UniTS Methods and Techniques of Sociological Research for Social Change New Product Forecasting Occupational safety and health Road to the Job Market School on Energy “Giacomo Ciamician” Scientific English for Physicists Soft skills for the world of work Storytelling and communication Student entrepreneurship - Clab UniTS Students for Quality Assurance Student Representative Council membership Studying at University. How to set priorities and build a realistic and effective action plans Technical and scientific English for engineers and architects UniTS Racing Team, team di Formula SAE UniTS Racing Team Dynamics UniTS Racing Team Aerodynamics Department UniTS Racing Team Business and Marketing Department UniTS Racing Team Electronics UniTS Racing Team Mechanics UniTS Racing Team Powertrain What do we talk about when we talk about gender? How to obtain a UniTS Open Badge Students who are eligible for a UniTS Open Badge will receive a communication from Bestr to their institutional email address with the link to download their issued "Open Badge". Ultimo aggiornamento Attend the course Exams and sessions Questionnaires for evaluating educational activities Open Badge Quick links Call to action Contamination Lab - CLab