Data avviso 24 December 2024 Testo avviso The 29th issue (2024) of the periodical QuaderniCIRD. Rivista del Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Didattica dell’Università di Trieste / Journal of the Interdepartmental Center for Educational Research of the University of Trieste is now online.This is a regular multidisciplinary issue featuring contributions ranging from statistics to the history of education, from environmental geosciences to microbiology, and lifelong teacher training.In his contribution, the first of a trilogy, Lucio Torelli focuses on examples and basic elements of descriptive statistics (percentages, measures of central tendency and data dispersion, including graphical representations). His thoughtful approach provides a clear rationale for every step of the process, highlighting both the limits and the strengths of the discipline.Salvatore Di Pasqua’s contribution concludes a comprehensive essay on women’s roles in the context of the Italian school system during the post-unification period, spanning the 19th and 20th centuries. The author presents realistic, often bleak scenarios, meticulously describing the significant challenges of working as a schoolteacher ("function docente") during that era.Michele Stoppa’s contribution examines the unique hydrogeographic features and complex environmental dynamics of the fluvial-karst transition systems in central Slovenia, specifically at the northwestern edges of the Lower Carniola Karst. Special attention is given to the upper hydrogeological basin of the Krka River, the main right-hand tributary of the Sava.Stefano Gianfreda and Monica Fabbiano’s contribution focuses on microbiology laboratory teaching, involving students in hands-on experiences of what microbiologists do. This contribution is particularly useful for teachers looking to introduce stimulating laboratory activities into their curricula, even in resource-constrained school environments.Finally, Marina Reppini presents an engaging multidisciplinary training event recently held in Portorož (Slovenia) for teachers in Slovenian schools where Italian is the language of instruction.The PDF of the issue is available for free download from the OpenstarTs Digital Archive of the University at the following link: