Data avviso 10 June 2024 Testo avviso UNIVERSITY OF TRIESTE STUDIES FOUNDATION - FUSTJuly 1, 2024 - PUBLICATION OF CALLS FOR GRADUATE AWARDSStarting next month, the calls for proposals of the University of Trieste Foundation - FUST, in collaboration with the University of Trieste, will be online for the awarding of:- 3 graduate awards in memory of Prof. Aldo Duca- 1 degree award in memory of Dr. Mileno Prelog- 2 graduation prizes in memory of engineer Marcello Urban and Ms. Maria Ehrl- 1 degree award in memory of Mr. Basilio Kosir- 2 degree prizes in memory of Prof. Guido Morpurgo TagliabueThe amount of the prizes is 2,500.00 euros each.Students with a University ISEE that does not exceed the ceiling of 40,000.00 Euros and regularly enrolled at the University of Trieste will be eligible to participate in the competition.More information about the awards and how to apply will be available from July 1, 2024, the expected date of publication of the notices.