Data avviso 7 October 2024 Testo avviso Three Brazilian doctoral students will be welcomed to the University of Trieste thanks to the University's membership in the CONFAP-ITALY II Mobility Project (MCI II).The nationwide CONFAP Project involves a network of 17 universities, coordinated by the University of Bologna, and aims to foster the mobility of young researchers at the Master's (dissertation research), Ph.D. and Post Doc level between the network of participating Italian institutions and Brazilian universities in the states of Brazil whose FAPs provide scholarships.The three Brazilian doctoral students, arriving in the next few months, will be welcomed to the Department of Engineering and Architecture and the Department of Physics at the University of Trieste to carry out training and research activities as part of the doctoral program in which they are enrolled, with a supervising professor.The new Call for the year 2025 has been opened these days. All information can be found on the web page "Italy-Brazil doctoral student mobility"