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The University Library System offers all UniTS users a new advanced edition of the course "Browsing is Not Enough: Information Skills in Academic Settings".

After the success of the basic course, with over 900 badges awarded, this edition delves deeper into the use of subject-specific databases, offering personalized pathways for various fields of study.

At the end of the course, participants will receive an Open Badge, which can be used to enhance their professional profile. Badge holders will be able to:

  • Recognize, identify, and evaluate information sources;
  • Use available tools: catalogs, search engines, databases;
  • Develop advanced search strategies with specialized tools and methods;
  • Use bibliographic resources and services related to their field of study;
  • Collect, manage, and use bibliographic citations with dedicated software;
  • Understand the functioning and objectives of the institutional repository.

Participation Method

The course is entirely online and can be followed independently, according to one's schedule.

How to Enroll

To participate, access the following link and complete the registration.