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Vai a Giornata mondiale contro il cancro infantile: UniTS si colora di giallo
grafica dell'International Childhood Cancer Day con il nastro giallo
Giornata mondiale contro il cancro infantile: UniTS si colora di giallo
La Giornata, che ricorre il 15 febbraio, è promossa dalla rete globale delle associazioni di genitori in oltre 90 paesi e 5 continenti
Vai a Honorary Master's Degree in Civil Engineering to Andrea Zampa
Andrea Zampa nell'Aula Magna dell'Università di Trieste mentre riceve il diploma di laurea ad honorem
Honorary Master's Degree in Civil Engineering to Andrea Zampa
Vai a Women and Girls in Science: how UniTS champions its importance
giovani scienziate che stanno lavorando in laboratorio
Women and Girls in Science: how UniTS champions its importance
Despite the progress of recent years, the gender gap remains, particularly in STEM fields
Vai a The University main building will be illuminated in red for the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe
famiglie giuliano-dalmate in attesa di salire sul piroscafo per abbandonare le proprie terre
The University main building will be illuminated in red for the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe
In this National Memorial Day we want to stress the importance of knowledge and respect for memory in order to consolidate a culture of peace, strengthen the European spirit and build the future together
Vai a Registration open for FameLab Trieste 2024
Registration open for FameLab Trieste 2024
Applications must be filled by Thursday 28th March 2024
Vai a The University main building will be illuminated in blue and orange on World Cancer Day
world cancer day
The University main building will be illuminated in blue and orange on World Cancer Day
The theme chosen for the 2024 edition is 'Close the Care Gap - Everyone deserves access to cancer care'
Vai a Launch of the Study "22-EU-DIG-5G-SITACOR” for a CAM based 5G corridor between Italy and Slovenia
Launch of the Study "22-EU-DIG-5G-SITACOR” for a CAM based 5G corridor between Italy and Slovenia
The study will last until July 2024 and will include the analysis of existing arterial roads and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as assessments of the investments needed to achieve CAM 5G coverage in the corridor between Italy and Slovenia
Vai a VILLAGE GO2025!
Mostra Villaggio GO2025
Exhibition of the outcomes of the workshop on projects for the VillageGo2025! for Gorizia - Nova Gorica European Capital of Culture 2025
Vai a EMQN Certification for the Molecular Biology Lab in the Local Health Authority’s Anatomical Pathology Department
EMQN Certification for the Molecular Biology Lab in the Local Health Authority’s Anatomical Pathology Department
The accreditation is crucial for authorising the purchase of very expensive drugs for patients