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Vai a Rett syndrome: the University of Trieste will coordinate the world's first trial of Mirtazapine
Paziente RETT
Rett syndrome: the University of Trieste will coordinate the world's first trial of Mirtazapine
The Italian Medicines Agency - AIFA gives the green light
Vai a ‘Fermeglia Prize: the first edition goes to two architecture students
‘Fermeglia Prize: the first edition goes to two architecture students
One year after the death of Professor Maurizio Fermeglia, a prize is awarded in his memory
Vai a ‘Life Within: Dialogues Between Science and Technology’ is the theme of Trieste Next 2025
Trieste Next 2025
‘Life Within: Dialogues Between Science and Technology’ is the theme of Trieste Next 2025
The Festival of Scientific Research will take place from 26th to 28th September. Over 100 events and 300 speakers being finalized
Vai a Transform4Europe's Statement on the Third Anniversary of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
immagine T4EU Ucraina
Transform4Europe's Statement on the Third Anniversary of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
The alliance's universities stand in solidarity with Mariupol University, defending shared values and the common spirit of European transformation.
Vai a Fibres that mimic body tissue for repair: UniTS study published in Advanced Science
Fibres that mimic body tissue for repair: UniTS study published in Advanced Science
The research was conducted by Pierangelo Gobbo in the University of Trieste laboratories and finalised at Keio University in Japan
Vai a Quantum link over fibre optics inaugurated between UniTS and UniUD
Quantum link over fibre optics inaugurated between UniTS and UniUD
Developed as part of the "Quantum FVG" project funded by the Region, it is the first step of an infrastructure that aims to become a model for Italy and Europe
Vai a UniTS joins ‘M'illumino di meno 2025’
M'illumino di meno 2025
UniTS joins ‘M'illumino di meno 2025’
This year's edition focuses on the environmental impact of fast fashion
Vai a Mercury risk in the Marano and Grado Lagoons: UniTS - ASUGI study
Mercury risk in the Marano and Grado Lagoons: UniTS - ASUGI study
The investigation involved fishermen and workers from the fishing industry
Vai a FameLab 2025 returns to Trieste: registration open
FameLab 2025 returns to Trieste: registration open
The local selections of the science communication talent show will take place on Friday 4th April 2025