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28th March marks World Endometriosis Day, established in 2014 to draw attention to a disease that, in some cases, can be highly incapacitating for those who live with it. 

Worldwide, approximately 190 million adults and adolescents assigned female at birth (between 2 and 10% of the general female population) are affected by endometriosis during their reproductive years, although some may suffer from it beyond the menopause. 

In Italy, 10-15% of fertile women are affected by endometriosis: the condition affects approximately 30-50% of people with difficulty conceiving. There are at least 3 million confirmed diagnoses.

The peak occurs between the ages of 25 and 35, but the condition can also appear in younger age groups. The diagnosis often comes after a long and costly struggle, most often experienced with serious psychological repercussions.

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic of the Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences conducts a great deal of research on the disease in collaboration with various facilities of the University of Trieste, the IRCCS Burlo Garofolo and other Italian and foreign research bodies.

A study was recently published in an important scientific journal in which the presence of many metals of environmental derivation in endometriosis tissue was demonstrated, which could contribute to the development of the disease. 

Study by Pascolo, L.; Pachetti, M.; Camillo, A.; Cernogoraz, A.; Rizzardi, C.; Mikus, K.V.; Zanconati, F.; Salome, M.; Suarez, V.T.; Romano, F.; Zito G., Gianoncelli A., Ricci G. Detention and mapping of iron and toxic environmental elements in human ovarian endometriosis: A suggested combined role. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 864, 161028.