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AIRCampus is a project by the Italian National Cancer Association (AIRC) Foundation's project dedicated to university students to raise awareness of cancer.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, UniTS has organised lectures on topics related to the Foundation's work which are also of interest to students from various degree courses.

Join us for the second semester. Each lecture lasts about 2 hours, during which both an Italian National Cancer Association (AIRC) expert such as a researcher, manager, nonprofit expert, or testimonialand a UniTS lecturer will speak.

This is a unique opportunity for students to explore topics in line with their study plans, and to listen to the testimonies of professionals with concrete examples and a multidisciplinary approach to the subject.


27 March, 11:00 – 13:00

Baciocchi Hall, Androna Baciocchi 4, Trieste

STEM, health and active citizenship in primary schools: AIRC's pathway in schools

Invited speaker: Cristina Zorzoli, AIRC Educational Projects Coordinator

Hosting UniTS lecturer: Barbara Bocchi

Students from General Education within the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education 

29 April, 10.30 

Room F, Building G, Piazzale Europa Campus

Medical Imaging Techniques and Applications to the Brain

Invited speaker: Paola Scifo, AIRC researcher at the San Raffaele Hospital, Milan

Hosting UniTS lecturer: Valentina Zaccolo, Paolo Camerini and Renato Longo

Students from Introduction to Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics and Introduction to the Physics of Matter within  the Bachelor’s Degree in Physics

2 May, 14:00


Microbiota, immunity and tumours

Invited speaker: Maria Rescigno, AIRC researcher and full professor of General Pathology at Humanitas University

Hosting UniTS lectuer: Fiamma Mantovani

Students from Cancer Biology within the Bachelor’s Degree in Functional Genomics and Medical and Diagnostic Biotechnology

8 May, 14.30 - 16.30

Morin Hall, H2bis Building, Via A. Valerio 12/1

Artificial intelligence for genomics and personalised medicine in myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative neoplasms

Invited speaker: Gastone Castellani, AIRC researcher at the University of Bologna

Hosting UniTS lecturer: Giulio Caravagna

All undergraduate students from Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics, Scientific and data-intensive computing, Data science and artificial intelligence, Statistics and Informatics for business, finance and insurance