Data notizia 7 July 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia As the 50th Social Week of Catholics hosted in Trieste came to a close, Pope Francis received a UniTS delegation composed of students, young researchers from the University's ten departments accompanied by their heads of department, the Rector, Vice-Rector Valter Sergo, the Director General and a representation from the governance.The meeting, in the spirit of the theme of the Social Week, "At the Heart of Democracy," aimed to emphasize confidence in the ability of young people - engaged in training in the various disciplines that create universitas - to build a more just and solidarity-based society also through the development of knowledge. The historic meeting, experienced in the UniTS Centenary year, will also be remembered by the Pope's signature on the University's Book of Honour. PHOTO (Credit: Vatican Media)Holy Pope Francis signs UniTS Book of Honour Fotogallery Firma Papa Francesco nel Libro d'Onore UniTS