Data notizia 23 October 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia "History in the City" starts again with “Resistances and Liberations in Europe”First meeting on Monday, October 28 at 6 p.m. in Baciocchi Hall with lecturer Tullia Catalan on the theme of Jewish ResistanceThe Resistance and the fight against Nazi-Fascism in different parts of Europe will be the theme of the new edition of "Storia in città/History in the City", a series of meetings organized by the "Istituto Regionale per la Storia della Resistenza e dell'Età Contemporanea nel Friuli Venezia Giulia (Irsrec FVG)" together with the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Trieste. The initiative, curated by Raoul Pupo, Gabriele Mastrolillo and Patrick Karslen, will be divided into 7 meetings to be held from Monday, October 28 to Monday, December 16 in Baciocchi Lecture Hall (headquarters of the Department of Humanities, Androna Baciocchi), always starting at 6 p.m."History in the City ” this year ties in with 2025, the year in which the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Italy and Europe from Nazi-fascism will fall. The organizers intend to commemorate it with an initiative with a scientific and, at the same time, popular character. The formula of the review thus follows the previous editions, proposing themes from university teaching, particularly from the Contemporary History course active at the Department of Political and Social Sciences. The struggle against Nazi-fascism will be recounted, in this context, as a plural and transnational phenomenon that affected, albeit with different intensities and in specific forms depending on the case, much of Europe occupied by German and to a lesser extent Italian troops (the Balkan context). In this edition university professors and historians from different Italian universities will examine the events of the main struggles for liberation from Nazi-fascism in Europe, following their development in different geographical areas. In the final panel discussion the focus will be on the phenomenon as a whole, while keeping in mind its transnational dimension.Audios of the lectures and any materials provided by the speakers will be available for free listening and downloading at the following link: further information:; tel. 040 44004; Documenti allegati Document Programma