Data notizia 22 October 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia During the University of Trieste's 100th Anniversary, art has become a tool of celebration and dialogue thanks to two unprecedented initiatives. ‘Shine Bright Like a Diamond’ focused on artist residencies and involved all departments, creating a new relationship between artists, lecturers and students. The ‘Relazioni d’arte’ project, on the other hand, embellished libraries, classrooms and workshops with the works of local and international artists. The two events inspired the ten UniTS heads of department to tangibly mark their institutional activity by approving the purchase and donation of a work by Serse Roma. The canvas, which is part of the 'Diamanti' series exhibited as part of the first phase of ‘Relazioni d’arte’, was officially handed over on 22nd October during a meeting in the Cammarata Hall, attended by Rector Roberto Di Lenarda. This gesture represents not only an acknowledgement of the University, but also a significant contribution to the enhancement of the University of Trieste's artistic heritage. The work ‘Diamante’ thus becomes a lasting symbol of the connection between high quality art, science and education, enriching the University’s cultural heritage for future generations.