Data notizia 3 July 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia On 7th July, Pope Francis will visit Trieste, at the conclusion of the 50th Social Week of Catholics in Italy, which the city has been hosting since 3rd July. After meeting the Delegates, and before reaching Piazza Unità for the celebration of the Holy Mass, the Pope will also receive some students and young researchers from the ten Departments of the University of Trieste, accompanied by the Directors, the Rector, the Director General and a governance delegation. In the spirit of the theme of the Social Week, ‘At the heart of Democracy’, the meeting aims to underline everyone's confidence in the ability of young people - engaged in training in the various disciplines that create universitas - to build a fairer and more united society also through the development of knowledge. The University will experience this meeting in the centenary year of its foundation, which will also be commemorated by the Pope's signing of the University's Book of Honour. UniTS is also present in the rich programme of the Social Week: 5th July, 17:30 - SQUARES OF DEMOCRACY OUTSKIRTS: cities seen from the margins (in Piazza Ponterosso) Speakers: Eugenia Carfora, Giovanni Carrosio (UniTS), Mario Vatta LOCAL INSTITUTIONS: democracy on trial for communities (in Piazza Hortis) Speakers: Gregorio Arena, Federica Fanesi, Roberto Louvin (UniTS) FAMILIES: ties, relationships and community (in Piazza della Borsa) Speakers: Mariolina Ceriotti Migliarese, Adriano Bordignon, Renata Longo (UniTS) and Francesco Pavanello 5th July, 15:00 – 17:00 DIALOGUES ON GOOD PRACTICESThinking well to act better: university, research and the third mission (Chamber of Commerce, Piazza della Borsa 14) Speakers: Caterina Falbo (UniTS), representatives from Università Cattolica Milan, LUMSA Rome and Università Europea Rome) 6th July, 17:30 - 5th July, 17:30 – SQUARES OF DEMOCRACY CITIZENSHIP: migration and rights in today's Italy (in Piazza Ponterosso) Speakers: Giovanni La Manna, Abdoulaye Mbodj, Roberta Altin (UniTS) PREPARING FOR POLITICS: participating, debating, deciding (in Piazza della Borsa) Speakers: Giovanni Diamanti, Rosangela Maino, Mattia Zulianello (UniTS)