Data notizia 25 January 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia On Saturday, 27 January, 20,000 AIRC volunteers will distribute in the squares little red oranges grown in Italy, honey and orange marmalade. The contributions collected will be used to fund cancer research.The 2024 campaign invites people to take concrete action to prevent cancer, with their lifestyle, and to make it more curable by supporting research. A mobilisation in which tens of thousands of students and supporters are also participating.Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle in reducing the risk of cancer. Up to 40 per cent of new cancer cases are potentially preventable or more curable when action is taken on modifiable risk factors through individual behaviour: not smoking, physical activity, choosing a healthy, balanced diet, and adhering to recommended screening for early diagnosis.Data on the population living in Italy have shown that about one third of adults have risk factors for developing cancer. About 33% of people are overweight and 10% obese, 31% are sedentary and 24% smoke. The most worrying numbers concern school children: about 39% are overweight and, of these, 17% are obese. These numbers are among the highest in Europe, mainly due to insufficient physical activity and a diet that has moved away from the principles of the Mediterranean diet.UniTS participates in AIRCAMPUSSince last year, UniTS has also been part of AIRCampus, the project dedicated to university students to introduce them to the reality of AIRC and spread awareness of the 'cancer' problem.In the 2023/24 academic year, the university is organising 8 lectures on topics related to the Foundation's activities and, at the same time, of interest to students on various study courses.The UniTS degree courses involved in AIRCampus are: Medicine and Surgery; Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics; Economics and Business Management; Physics; Functional Genomics; Primary Education Sciences; Scientific Computing and the Master's Degrees in Biomedical Engineering and Materials Engineering.AIRC supports researchers under 40Once again this year, AIRC is making more than 19 million euros available for talented oncology researchers under the age of 40, activating specific calls for proposals to accompany them at different stages of their careers.