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Wed, Mar 13 2024, 5 - 6pm
Sede evento
sala Bachelet, edificio centrale A del Campus di Piazzale Europa
Testo evento

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 5 p.m., a discussion meeting with Elena Granata, author of the book "Il senso delle donne per la città" (Women's Sense for the City) will be held at Bachelet Hall, Central Building A on Campus, Piazzale Europa 1.

The event is promoted by the Equal Opportunities Committee (Comitato unico di garanzia – CUG) of the University of Trieste with the support of the Department of Political and Social Sciences.

Introductions by Maria Dolores Ferrara, President of the CUG at the University of Trieste, and Giovanni Grandi, Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Trieste.

Chairwoman: Nada Čok, RAI FVG (regional section of the Italian broadcast company).

Speakers: Barbara Chiarelli, research assistant at the University of Trieste, and Enrico Conte, journalist and former Director of the Public Works Department of the Municipality of Trieste.

The book: Not being able to build, they wrote. Of houses, of cities, of neighbourhoods in transformation. Kept away from architecture, they devoted themselves to photography, finding a thousand ways of narrating the people and spaces of the city. Excluded from urban planning, they dedicated themselves to the minute, granular scale of the design of living and everyday life, designing spaces with proximity and well-being in mind. They have been gardeners over designers, pedagogues over engineers. When they could, they have created forward-looking but soon forgotten visions of the future. They have observed cities - in their daily practices - with the detachment that only those excluded from the game can have. Women, in various and eclectic ways, have developed a practical mode of thinking about the city that we cannot overlook today and of which they are not yet fully aware themselves. Today, as we rethink the relationship between space and life, between our daily lives and our expectations of well-being, between nature and the city, women’s perspective seems crucial.

Elena Granata is Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. She has a PhD in Urban Planning Technique and teaches Urban Planning. She is Vice President of the School of Civil Economy (Scuola di Economia Civile – SEC) and was a Senior Expert in Urban Studies, G20 Sherpa Office, Italian Prime Minister's Office G7/G20 (July 2020-December 2021). Her career has taken her from city to city, from landscape to landscape, from contemporary architecture to public space projects, from experiments in mobility management to low-impact technologies, from innovative enterprises to cultural communication. Along the way she has brought together a range of projects which are both radical in that they get to the root of problems and ecological in that they work on interdependencies, between poverty and environmental crisis, between economy and environment (natural, cultural, social). She analyses cities’ social, anthropic and medial dimensions that precede and accompany the design of physical forms. She works on landscape and environment, urban regeneration policies, housing and social integration policies, and the relations between businesses and territories.
