20 March 2025 , 5:30 - 7 pm Immagine evento Image Testo evento On Thursday 20 March 2025, from 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m., the eighth edition of the event ‘Women and Work 2025’ entitled ‘Being Women Entrepreneurs in the World of Wine’ will take place at Palazzo Ferdinandeo, in Trieste.WOMEN AND WORK, organised by Deams - Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of the University of Trieste and AIDDA-Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Managers, in collaboration with MIB Trieste School of Management, is an annual event dedicated to exploring the stories, challenges and strategies of women entrepreneurs and managers.This year the focus is on a sector that is strongly related to our region, that of wine.PROGRAM:Introduction to the proceedings: Donata Vianelli, Director of DEAMS - Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics - University of TriesteGREETING ADDRESSES:Vladimir Nanut, Founder & AD - MIB Trieste School of ManagementChiara de Nipoti, President AIDDA - Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Executives - FVGAlessia Rosolen, Councillor for Labour, Training, Education, Research, University and Family - Region FVGSergia Adamo, President Interdepartmental Centre for Gender Studies - University of TriesteOpening Report:Pierpaolo Penco, Area Wine manager - MIB Trieste School of ManagementBEING WOMEN IN THE WORLD OF WINE:Marina Cvetič Masciarelli, Entrepreneur Tenute Agricole MasciarelliDonatella Cinelli Colombini, Entrepreneur Az. Agr. Donatella Cinelli ColombiniROUND TABLE moderated by Giulio Somma, director Corriere vinicoloCONCLUSIONS: Roberto Di Lenarda, Rector, University of Trieste