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30 May 2024 , 2:30 - 6:30 pm
Testo evento

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, two events of the T.E.T.R.I.S.S. (Texts & Translations: Research + Inventions of Signal Systems) Cultural Square Project, funded by the Autonomous Region of FVG Notice of Creativity 2023, will be held at Aula M5, Via Filzi 14, Trieste. 

This is a double event: the first, at 2:30 p.m., devoted to the history of playing cards in the USSR and Russia; the second, at 5 p.m., to the evolution of Tetris. 

Guest speakers will be prof. Dmitry Novokhatskiy of the University of Padua and specialists from the 12-bit Retrogaming Cultural Association.