27 - 29 September 2024 , Tutto il giorno Sede evento Piazza Unità d'Italia Testo evento During Trieste Next 2024, from 27 to 29 September, the University of Trieste will set up a large and lively stand in Piazza Unità d'Italia that will host the scientific dissemination activities proposed to the public by its researchers.These are the interactive spaces that will be proposed during the three days of the 13th edition of the Festival of Scientific Research.SPACE 1Minerals from earth and space: from the depths of the earth to cosmic heightsCurated by: Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Earth Sciences; Carlo e Dirce Callerio Interdepartmental Center for Advanced Microscopy - CIMA; Museum of Mineralogy and Petrography; DIVE Project; Interreg Karst-Carso, European Commission (Project 101066580 - STECALMY - HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01); Rita Levi Montalcini Program MUR Project, with the support of Fondazione CRTrieste SPACE 2FONDAmentally, we value proactivity and merit. Discovering the Luciano Fonda College Curated by the Luciano Fonda University College SPACE 3Digital mind. For a conscious use of smartphones Curated by Department of Life Sciences SPACE 4Can we repair the brain with magnets? How to regenerate communication between nerve cellsCurated by Department of Life Sciences, SynMech project funded by the European Innovation Council SPACE 5Focus on bones and muscles. Lend a hand to researchCurated by Department of Engineering and Architecture, in collaboration with M2TEST and Clinical University Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences SPACE 6Advanced technologies in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of digestive diseases. How Artificial Intelligence helps us Curated by Clinical University Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences, ASUGI Giuliano Isontina University Health Authority, IRCCS Oncological Referral Center CRO Aviano, in collaboration with DONK Humanitarian Medicine Association, Biohit srl, Elettrobiochimica srl, Medtronic spa, Lorenzatto srl, Olympus srl, Waldner srl SPACE 7Biomedical engineering. Artificial Intelligence technologies for the future of health Curated by Department of Engineering and Architecture SPACE 8Humans and machines: colleagues or competitors? Advanced technologies in translation and interpretation services Curated by Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Sciences, in collaboration with T.E.T.R.I.S.S. Cultural Square [Texts And Translations: Researches + Inventions of Sign Systems] - IPS-TM Project funded by the Autonomous Region of FVG, Intertitula (International Subtitling Agency) SPACE 9Dialogues with great figures of the past. Artificial Intelligence and humanistic cultures Curated by Department of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Humanities, and Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Earth Sciences SPACE 10Escape from AI. Penguin Marco challenges Artificial IntelligenceCurated by Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Earth SciencesSPACE 11 / CENTRAL The University of Trieste creates the future of knowledge. For one hundred yearsCurated by University of Trieste