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02 July 2024 , 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Immagine evento
Alto Adriatico RT4 2 luglio 2024
Testo evento

On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., at the Urban Center in Corso Cavour 2/2, Trieste, the event "Towards integrated sea-land maritime and spatial planning in the Upper Adriatic Sea" will take place, a day of listening and sharing iNEST - Spoke 8 - RT4 research activities. Focusing on "sea-land" interactions, the objective is to develop strategies and solutions for sustainable sea-land spatial planning and mobility, integrated in scenarios for the conservation and enhancement of economies, environments, landscapes, settlements and cultural heritage in the Upper Adriatic coastal areas, in a perspective of climate transition.

The listening day aims to provide an opportunity for discussion and debate with regional and local stakeholders on current and planned actions and strategies for the Upper Adriatic territories.

It is organized by faculty and researchers from the University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, and Iuav University of Venice.

The day is free admission. 

 Program and registration    

For information: 
