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Sun, Jul 14 - Sat, Jul 20 2024, All day
Testo evento

INEST Summer School
Sustainability and Digitization in the Blue Economy
July 14 - 20, 2024 - University of Trieste
A multidisciplinary full immersion on sustainability and digitization, which will offer students a cross-disciplinary insight into scientific, technological and economic issues applied to Blue Economy sectors.

The Summer School - which will take place from July 14 to 20, 2024 at the University of Trieste, Building D - is aimed at master's and doctoral students in the areas of science and social sciences and economics.

Final certificate and training credits: upon successful completion of the training project, a certificate of participation corresponding to 50 hours and 6 CFUs possibly recognizable by the home university will be issued.
Costs included: course registration, accommodation of participants in double rooms (6 nights, July 14 to July 20), lunches July 15 to 19, bus transfers for company visits, convivial and networking meetings (July 15 and 18).

To participate, fill out the following registration form by June 15: MODULO DI ISCRIZIONE. Since places are limited, confirmation of acceptance will be given by June 18. 

For information write to 

The detailed program of the Summer School can be found in the attachment below.

The INEST Summer School is funded by the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (NRP) Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.5. Creation and strengthening of “Innovation Ecosystems for Sustainability” project “iNEST - Interconnected Northeast Innovation Ecosystem,” Cross-Cutting Activity CC4 “Education & Lifelong Learning” - CUP J43C22000320006 - Funded by the European Union, NextGenerationEU.

The INEST Summer School is organized by University of Trieste in collaboration with: DEAMS, DIA, MIGe, OGS and "Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Orientale Porti di Trieste e Monfalcone".
