08 March 2024 , 2 - 6 pm Sede evento Aula 4A, edifico D, Campus di Piazzale Europa Testo evento Dialogues on the Third SectorThird Sector Law and ManagementOn Friday 8th March 2024, from 14:00 to 18:00, in Room 4A of Building D of the Piazzale Europa Campus, the Event ‘The Standardised National Register of the Third Sector: State of the Art and Perspectives in the Making’ will take place.The topic will be introduced by Giacomo Biasutti, Associate Professor of Administrative Law from the University of Trieste.The Standardised National Register of the Third Sector will be discussed within the framework of the Master in Third Sector Law and Management. By analysing of the state of the art, perspectives for the near future will be outlined with Alessandro Lombardi, Head of the Directorate-General of the Third Sector and Corporate Social Responsibility from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.Scientific Committee: Andrea Crismani, Giacomo BiasuttiIn the poster linked below you can find the interactive link and QR code to access the virtual classroom. For information write to: master.dmts@dispes.units.it Allegati Document Locandina Document Poster EN