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01 April 2025 , 10 am - 12 pm
Testo evento

On Tuesday 1 April 2025, at 10 a.m., at Aula Bachelet, Central Building A of the Piazzale Europa Campus, the CUG of the University of Trieste is organising a Round Table entitled "In search of equality: women in science".

Evidence at national and international level highlights the need for structural interventions to promote gender equality, ensuring equal opportunities for career advancement and access to decision-making roles.
Increased participation of women in science is not only a matter of social justice, but represents a strategic lever for the development of innovative and sustainable solutions in science and technology, which are crucial to address the major global challenges of climate change, public health and social equity, taking into account the diversity of experiences and needs of all people.
Diversity is an ethical value, but also an enabling factor for scientific progress that takes into account the needs of society.

Maria Dolores Ferrara, associate professor of labour law, chairperson of the UniTS CUG
Paola Del Negro, research manager, director general of OGS
Anna Gregorio, UniTS associate professor, astrophysicist, chairperson PICOSATS SRL
Emanuele Buratti, scientific coordinator ICGEB
Domenica Bueti, professor of cognitive neuroscience SISSA CUG coordinator
Saveria Capellari, former UniTS associate professor of economic policy, former UniTS CUG president
Gina Chianese, UniTS associate professor of general and social pedagogy, UniTS CUG member
Suzanne Kerbavcic, ICGEB communication manager
Cristina Perini, UniTS press office manager

Moderator: Giacomo Plozner, radio presenter RAI FVG

On the occasion of the Round Table, the volume "Parità: a che punto siamo? Contributions for an interdisciplinary dialogue" edited by Saveria Capellari, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2024, will be presented.

It will be possible to visit the exhibition ‘Even erasure is violence’, conceived by the RivoltaPagina Collective, and promoted by the University of Trieste's Single Guarantee Committee.

The Comitato Unico di Garanzia (CUG) for equal opportunities, the enhancement of the well-being of those who work and against discrimination is a body of the University of Trieste and has the task of promoting equal opportunities, opposing all forms of discrimination and supporting actions aimed at fostering the creation of a working environment marked by organisational well-being.

The CUG addresses the entire university community.
