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Fri, Mar 15 2024, 3pm - Sat, Mar 16 2024, 1:30pm
Testo evento

A conference entitled "The Role of the Italian and German Constitutional Courts in the Multilevel Construction of Criminal Guarantees in Europe" will be held on Friday, March 15 and Saturday, March 16, according to the following program.


Friday 15 March 2024 15:00-18:30 – Sala Tessitori, Piazza G. Oberdan 5, Trieste

Welcome Address: Gian Paolo Dolso, Director Department of Legal Studies, University of Trieste
Introductory Remarks: Nicola Recchia, University of Trieste
Chair Christoph Burchard, University of Frankfurt

Frank Zimmermann, University of Münster: Criminal Law and Political Protest
Alessandra Galluccio, University of Milano Statale: Political Use of Slogans and Symbols as Advocacy of Violence and Discrimination?
Alessandra Santangelo, University of Bologna: The ECHR Contamination on Nullum Crimen has been Slow-Paced? Constraints and Future. Challenges for Predictability


Saturday 16 March 2024 09:30-13:00 - Aula Bachelet, Edificio A, Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste

Chair Vittorio Manes, University of Bologna

Christoph Burchard, University of Francoforte: "From Blinding to Binding Trust"

Dominik Brodowski, Saarland University: "Proportionality of Sanctions in Member States' Criminal Justice: the European Perspective"

Francesco Viganò, University of Milano “Bocconi”, Judge at the Italian Constitutional Court: "Proportionality of Sanctions in Member States' Criminal Justice: an Italian Perspective"

Stefano Manacorda, University of Campania: "EU Restrictive Measures and Fundamental Rights: First Steps in Jurisprudence"

The Conference is organized by the Department of Legal, Language, Interpretation and Translation Sciences of the University of Trieste.

Conference funded in the framework of the Microgrants Programme by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
