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19 March 2025 , 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Testo evento

On Wednesday 19 March 2025, from 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., the Job Orientation Workshop entitled ‘Road to the job market - CV and cover letter: instructions for use’ will take place.

This is the first of three appointments in the series of meetings ‘Road to the job market’.

The first stage will be dedicated to a fundamental element in the world of work: the CV, the true ‘business card’ of every undergraduate, recent graduate and professional. An effective and well-structured CV can capture the attention of recruiters and meet the needs of the market. In addition to the CV, the topic of the cover letter will also be addressed, which, if written with care and attention, can make all the difference.

The event will take place in Room 3_B of Building D (Economics) on Campus.

For more information and registration here is ithe link to the event.