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23 February 2024 , 6 - 8 pm
Sede evento
Aula Magna, via Fabio Filzi 14
Immagine evento
Cathy M. Craig
Testo evento

On Friday 23rd February 2024, in the Main Hall of the University building at via Filzi 14, the "Psychology and sport: virtual reality and sports performance" seminar will take place, starting at 6 pm. 

This seminar is the first event of the 4th Psychology Festival in Friuli Venezia Giulia. This year’s edition, entitled ‘The New Frontiers of Psychology’, is organised by the association PsicoAttività in partnership with the University of Trieste.

The festival events take place in different locations. The event in Trieste is focused on the impact of new technologies in sport. In fact, sports organisations are constantly trying to innovate and find new ways to train smarter in order to have a competitive edge over their opponents.

This seminar will illustrate how psychology and virtual reality can be combined to improve performance and manage injuries in both entry- and top-level sports.

Introduction by 
Claudio Tonzar, scientific director of the 4th Psychology Festival in Friuli Venezia Giulia, University of Urbino;
Tiziano Agostini, full professor of psychology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste.

Invited speaker 
Cathy M. Craig, Professor of Experimental Psychology, School of Psychology, Ulster University (Ireland).

An English/Italian simultaneous interpreting service will be provided.

At the end of the seminar, from 7.30 p.m., the award ceremony of the 2nd Prize for Innovative Research in Psychology will take place with the presentation of the winner's work.

For more information, please write to

NOTE: attending the 4th Psychology Festival in Friuli Venezia Giulia will grant ECTS/CFU credits to students of UniTS degree courses in psychology --> REGISTRATION