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Fri, Apr 19 2024, 3:30 - 5:30pm
Testo evento

A meeting entitled ‘Mathematicians at work - Stories of maths graduates told by the protagonists’ will take place at the University of Trieste on Friday 19th April 2024, at 15:30. It will be held in the Morin Hall, H2bis building, Piazzale Europa Campus (Via Valerio 12/1) and has an expected duration of two hours.

Mathematicians at Work’ is an initiative organised by the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Geosciences within the Piano Lauree Scientifiche (Scientific Degrees Plan – Mathematics Project). It is a meeting with six maths graduates who will talk about their professional and academic experiences, with the aim of exploring the role of mathematicians within both industry and the world of work. The initiative is also offered to high school students as an outreach activity to present a concrete and varied overview of the job opportunities that a Degree Course in Mathematics can offer. All interested parties are warmly invited.

The following speakers will be taking part:

Maria De Martino - PhD student in Molecular Medicine - University of Udine

Ornela Mulita - Model Risk Management - Deutsche Bank

Walter Olivo - Maths Teacher - Pertini High School Monfalcone

Marko Petranovic - Quantitative Analyst - Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

Gabriele Sbaiz - Research Assistant in Mathematical Methods for Economics - University of Trieste

Ricardo Tzantzoglou - Software Developer - Insiel S.p.A. 

Participation is also possible via Zoom  - meeting ID : 857 7811 5682  Access Code: 352724 

For further information: 
