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14 June 2024 , 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Testo evento

On Friday, June 14, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., at Aula Bachelet, Central Building A, Piazzale Europa 1, in Trieste, the event “Marcello Finzi and His Library,” the inaugural conference of the PRIN PNRR 2022 Project CriArcLi “Italian Professors of Criminal Law's Archives and Libraries: Models, Digitization and Public Engagement,” will be held.


Introduced by Nicola Recchia, University of Trieste

Institutional Greetings:
Roberto Di Lenarda, Magnificent Rector, University of Trieste
Gian Paolo Dolso, Director of the IUSLIT Department, University of Trieste
Martina Contessi, President of the Italian Library Association - Friuli Venezia Giulia Section
Marina Dorsi, President Italian National Archival Association - Friuli Venezia Giulia Section

Coordinator Davide Rossi, University of Trieste

Stefano Malfatti and Paolo Tinti, University of Trento and University of Bologna.
Archives and Libraries of Criminal Law Professors. Proposals for an integrated platform
Elio Tavilla, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Marcello Finzi, his books, his papers: problematic nodes of a twentieth-century jurist
Pierpaolo Bonacini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
From library to archives: different sources for the academic biography of Marcello Finzi
Damigela Hoxha, University of Bologna
Marcello Finzi and the University of Bologna. Research perspectives
Francesco Peroni, University of Trieste
From Marcello Finzi's library to the fund named after him at the University of Trieste
José Daniel Cesano, Universidad de Córdoba (Argentina)
Marcello Finzi in Córdoba. His academic activity at the Institute of Comparative Law.

The meeting is concluded by the screening of the video on the Finzi Fund made by the IUSLIT Department presented by Giorgia Maragno, University of Trieste.

The conference is organized by the IUSLIT Department of the University of Trieste.
