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29 February 2024 , 3 - 7 pm
Testo evento

On Thursday 29 February 2024, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., the Bachelet Lecture Hall, left wing of Central Building A, at Europe Square 1, will host the conference ‘Judgments and procedures of the administrative judge’.

The administrative judge has always been striving to find a balance balance between protecting the citizen and guaranteeing the decision-making prerogatives of the public administration. This conference, held exactly 100 years after the publication of the Consolidated Law on the Consiglio di Stato (Council of State), is focused on the critical analysis of the powers exercised by special courts, in order to understand whether they really guarantee full and effective protection of rights and legitimate interests.


Institutional greetings 

Chairman Carlo Modica de Mohac, President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Administrative Court 

Introduction Marcello M. Fracanzani, Member of the Supreme Court of Cassation 

When the administrative judge is in a hurry 

Fabio Saitta, Full professor of Administrative Law, Magna Graecia University, Catanzaro 

Drafting an act and procedural nullity. Abnormal applications of the principle of conciseness 

Fabio Francario, Full professor of Administrative Law, University of Siena 

The intermittence of cross-examination in the digital trial 

Fabrizio Tigano, Full professor of Administrative Law, University of Messina 

Administrative judge in conflicts between public interests 

Mario R. Spasiano, Full professor of Administrative Law, University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’

The reasoned annulment judgment 

Andrea Crismani, Full professor of Administrative Law, University of Trieste 

The judgement and its transformation into an act 

Chiara Cacciavillani, Full professor of Administrative Law, University of Padua 

A Martian walking through administrative proceedings 

Francesco Volpe, Full professor of Administrative Law, University of Padua

Scientific Secretariat: Giacomo Biasutti 

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